On a previous post, I extolled the virtues of the MOKA pot or some call it the Bialetti (from one of its Italian manufacturers). A couple of points--use a finely ground coffee but not too fine. I only fill my basket half full but still use the full amount of water and it comes out very strong. I use cool filtered water -- some advocate heating the water first to speed the process and save their gasket--but on the gas stove, the process only takes about 3 - 4 minutes.
Now to make the "foam" or steamed milk, if you use skim or reduced fat milk as opposed to whole milk, the milk will froth up very easily in 2-3 minutes over medium gas heat. Just pour in a pan and beat with a wisk or frother over medium heat. Originally I thought the frothing was due to using DHA Omega-3 Organic milk, but a chef friend told me that it was because the milk was reduced fat and indeed if you compare whole milk with reduced fat, the reduced fat milk foams up more easily.